blowing glass in 6 decades and now celebrating 57 years of glass blowing!
In 1967 donald carlson embarked on a career that would turn his life around. Prior to working towards refining the ancient art of glassblowing, he had contemplated pursuing the field of marketing. Instead, he built a small studio at his home and took on the challenge of making glass. While his work is available in a multitude of colors, it is the color red that has captured his imagination.
With an obvious feel for shape, donald has produced simple eloquent pieces that stand alone in their beauty. His red best demonstrates the artistic and technical control expected of the carlson tradition.
All colors of glass, with the exception of red are easily made. To secure the desired color, all one has to do is add the appropriate amount of chemicals. But with red, one has to add the correct amount of chemicals in addition to working with numerous variables. These variables are hard to measure, let alone control. If they aren't always in total control, the color is not consistent. It is these technical problems that give donald the challenge he enjoys with making red glass.